This is the story of Keren Eldad, an extraordinary speaker, author and coach. On this episode, we discuss Keren's childhood of traveling the world as the daughter of a diplomat. She grew up living in over a dozen countries and speaks multiple languages. She served in the Israeli Army and got her master's degree from the London School of Economics and also attended Columbia Business School. We talk about her marriage, her divorce and her breakthroughs. It was from this journey that she discovered her passion and her gift in helping others. As an experienced crisis counselor as well as executive coach, Keren Eldad focuses a lot on humility and helping people understand that there's so much we don't know or understand about ourselves. I recommend watching her TedTalk: You don't know what you don't know. For my superstar listeners, stick around to the end where Coach Keren has a special treat just for my listeners. Please enjoy this enthusiastic interview with the superstar herself Keren Eldad.
This is the story of Keren Eldad, an extraordinary speaker, author and coach. On this episode, we discuss Keren's childhood of traveling the world as the daughter of a diplomat. She grew up living in over a dozen countries and speaks multiple languages. She served in the Israeli Army and got her master's degree from the London School of Economics and also attended Columbia Business School.
We talk about her marriage, her divorce and her breakthroughs. It was from this journey that she discovered her passion and her gift in helping others. As an experienced crisis counselor as well as executive coach, Keren Eldad focuses a lot on humility and helping people understand that there's so much we don't know or understand about ourselves. I recommend watching her TedTalk: You don't know what you don't know. For my superstar listeners, stick around to the end where Coach Keren has a special treat just for my listeners. Please enjoy this enthusiastic interview with the superstar herself Keren Eldad.